We sell ad space for vaccinations
This website is not a real service and is an artistic parody. This website is not affiliated with BAND-AID® Brand Bandages, Johnson & Johnson, or any of its affiliated companies.
Brand-Aid™ is a program that connects corporations with government agencies to subsidize the COVID-19 vaccination rollout costs. We manufacture custom logos and ads on adhesive bandages that will be shared with audiences at injection sites worldwide. Brands can target by their Brand-Aid™campaign by rollout phase and location. The cost per bandage is variable depending on campaign size. Your funds for Brand-Aid™ will go towards logistics for distributing the vaccine.
These bandages look great on social media! Though a vaccine recipient might wear your ad for only a few hours for protection, the ad will last longer in a photo. One vaccine is potentially thousands of impressions.

Contact Us
Would you like to enroll in the Brand-Aid™ program? Or looking to partner as a vendor? You're welcome to contact us, but we're not launching this program. If you're curious about ways you can be involved with vaccine distribution, figure it out with your local public health department. There are non-clinical volunteer roles needed!